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Why are frogs seen as good indicators of the health of the environment. - view
What is the best way to raise frogs ?? I have a bad tub that my dobermann uses to cool off in. Every now and then, after a heavy rain, a mummie frog leaves her eggs in it. I take them out put them in a safe place to grow. I feed them lettuce. Is this... - view
How long can the metamorphosis from tadpole to frog take? I have a tadpole in a bucket that I have been feeding since the end of the last wet season! He has grown a bit larger and paler but no appendages. - view
List AllThe Northern Territory Frog (also know as Monsoon frog) Sphenophryne adelphe breeds by laying its eggs in leaf litter rather than water. The young emerge from the eggs as frogs having spent the entire tadpole stage in the egg. The Male frog stays with the eggs as they develop.
A stitch in Time! We have all heard the old saying a stitch in time saves nine and it is there to remind us that time... 26/02/2012 - view
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